When using cl_crosshairstyle 2, this is the command that adjusts the transparency of the outer crosshair.Syntax
cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_outermod [Alpha Value]
Alpha Value | The value you want to use to dictate the transparency of the outer crosshair on cl_crosshairstyle 2. The default value is 0.5 and you can choose a value between 0.3 and 1. |
Related commands
This console command is what determines the ratio of the inner and outer lines when using the cl_crosshairstyle 2 command.
This console command is what determines the ratio of the inner and outer lines when using the cl_crosshairstyle 2 command.
When using cl_crosshairstyle 2, this is the command that adjusts the transparency of the inner crosshair.
When using cl_crosshairstyle 2, this is the command that adjusts the transparency of the inner crosshair.
When using cl_crosshairstyle 2, this command sets how far apart the two crosshairs move apart when your character model moves.
When using cl_crosshairstyle 2, this command sets how far apart the two crosshairs move apart when your character model moves.
This console command will adjust the size of the gap in the middle of your crosshair. The smaller the value, the smaller the gap.
This console command will adjust the size of the gap in the middle of your crosshair. The smaller the value, the smaller the gap.
This command controls the length and size of the 4 lines that make up a standard crosshair. Using a low value will give your crosshair very slight lines, and using a large value makes your crosshair have very long lines.
This command controls the length and size of the 4 lines that make up a standard crosshair. Using a low value will give your crosshair very slight lines, and using a large value makes your crosshair have very long lines.
This command sets the style of your crosshair such as its general shape and whether or not it opens up whenever your character moves around.
This command sets the style of your crosshair such as its general shape and whether or not it opens up whenever your character moves around.
This console command can be used to enable and disable the small black outline that is around your crosshair. This can enhance crosshair visibility for some players.
This console command can be used to enable and disable the small black outline that is around your crosshair. This can enhance crosshair visibility for some players.