HUD commands

cl_drawhud CS2 & CS:GO More
cl_drawhud [0 / 1]
This command can be used to completely hide all features of your HUD (heads up display) or to enable them to show again.
cl_drawhud_force_deathnotices [-1 / 0 / 1]
This command sets circumstances under which deathnotices should be drawn (deathnotices is another word for kill feed that appears in the top right). See argument information for help.
cl_drawhud_force_radar CS2 & CS:GO More
cl_drawhud_force_radar [-1 / 0 / 1]
This command sets the circumstances under which the radar is is displayed. See argument information for help.
cl_drawhud_force_teamid_overhead [-1 / 0 / 1]
This command sets the circumstances under which the "team ID" is drawn over your teammates heads (this is their name, weapons they're holding, etc). See argument information for help.
cl_hud_background_alpha [Alpha Value]
This console command adjusts how transparent some areas of your HUD (heads up display) appear on your screen. An example of this is how visible the shaded box is behind your current amount of money to the left of your screen.
cl_hud_bomb_under_radar [0 / 1]
This command toggles whether or not your HUD (heads up display) includes the image of a bomb underneath your radar whenever you are carrying the bomb.
cl_hud_color CS2 & CS:GO More
cl_hud_color [HUD Color]
This is the console command used to change and customize the color of your HUD (heads up display). It can be changed to a variety of colors, which we have listed examples for.
cl_hud_healthammo_style [0 / 1]
This command is used to toggle between whether or not you want your health & armor bars at the bottom of your screen to show their numeric value (e.g 80 health) and a bar to represent this, or just show the number.
cl_hud_playercount_pos [0 / 1]
Use this command to adjust where the player count (players who are in the server) menu is shown on your HUD. This also changes where the scoreboard is, that shows rounds won by each team. You can place it at the top of your screen or at the bottom.
cl_hud_playercount_showcount [0 / 1]
This useful console command customizes your HUD by changing the display of players alive on each team from showing each of their Steam avatars to just showing a number for how many of each team is alive.
cl_hud_radar_scale CS2 & CS:GO More
cl_hud_radar_scale [Radar Scale]
This useful console command controls how much room in your HUD your radar takes up. You can choose to make it a smaller feature or larger than the default value.
cl_radar_always_centered [0 / 1]
This command decided whether or not your radar is always centered to your location. Turning this feature off can be useful, as when you're by the edge of the map less of the radar's space is taken up by empty space, meaning you can see your surroundings more clearly.
cl_radar_icon_scale_min CS2 & CS:GO More
cl_radar_icon_scale_min [Icon Scale]
This console command changes how large your character dot appears on the radar.
cl_radar_rotate CS2 & CS:GO More
cl_radar_rotate [0 / 1]
This command toggles whether or not your radar rotates as you rotate and look around with your camera. Some players find disabling this feature makes it easier to use the radar.
cl_radar_scale CS2 & CS:GO More
cl_radar_scale [Radar Scale]
This command adjusts the scale of your radar, which affects how zoomed in or out the radar is. A lot of players use this command to zoom the radar out and have a complete view of the map.
cl_radar_square_with_scoreboard [0 / 1]
This command decided whether the radar is a square or a circle whenever you toggle the scoreboard open.
cl_reload_hud CS:GO More
This command is used to reset the HUD scale back to default, and tweaks the border settings back to their original value.
This command puts the names of your teammates and the equipment they're carrying above their head permanently (usually just shows at the start of the round). Use -cl_show_team_equipment to disable.
cl_showfps CS2 & CS:GO More
cl_showfps [0 / 1]
This command produces a simple FPS (frames per second) count in the top left corner of your screen. Unlike the net_graph command, the only value shown is your FPS, which some players like for its simplicity.
cl_spec_swapplayersides CS2 & CS:GO More
This command, if set to 1, will swap the player names and team names to the other side of the screen for spectators. Default is set to 0 (normal side).
cl_teamid_overhead [0 / 1]
This command is used to display the Team ID over the heads over teammates.
cl_teamid_overhead_maxdist [Max Distance]
This console command sets the max distance that you will be able to see the icons above teammate's heads if team ID overhead is turned on.
cl_teamid_overhead_maxdist_spec [Max Distance]
This console command is for spectators and observers, and determines the max distance you can see team icons at.
cl_teammate_colors_show CS2 & CS:GO More
cl_teammate_colors_show [0 / 1]
This command is used in competitive games, and you can set it so that players on your team have different colors on the radar and scoreboard (default) or you can turn it off.
clear CS2 & CS:GO More
Clear console output.
This command will show the overview map, if not already open. The overviewmap is the map that is shown when you are spectating (usually the CTRL key). Use hideoverviewmap to hide the map.
drawradar CS:GO More
This command does not work since the introduction of Panorama. Previously, it would draw your radar on the screen when it was disabled. Use the cl_drawhud_force_radar -1 command to hide your radar and cl_drawhud_force_radar 1 command to show your radar.
enable_debug_overlays [0 / 1]
This command will enable (if set to 1) the rendering of debug overlays. If set to 0, this command will disable the rendering of debug overlays.
fadein CS2 & CS:GO More
fadein [Duration] [R G B]
This command will fade your client in. You can optionally specify a duration (seconds) and an RGB value for the color of the screen it fades in from.
fadeout CS2 & CS:GO More
fadeout [Duration] [R G B]
This command will fade your client out. You can optionally specify a duration (seconds) and an RGB value for the color of the screen it fades out to.
This command shows the game UI (pause menu).
gameui_hide CS2 & CS:GO More
This command will close the game UI (pause menu), provided it is open.
hideconsole CS2 & CS:GO More
This command will hide the console (same as pressing the console key again).
hidehud CS2 & CS:GO More
hidehud [0 / -1]
This command, if set to 1 (default) will show the game's HUD. If set to -1, the game's HUD will be hidden.
This command will hide the overviewmap (if open) that shows when you are spectating.
hidepanel CS:GO More
hidepanel [Viewport Panel]
This command will hide the specified viewport panel.
hideradar CS:GO More
This command does not work since the introduction of Panorama. Instead, use the cl_drawhud_force_radar -1 command to hide your radar and cl_drawhud_force_radar 1 command to show your radar.
hidescores CS:GO More
This command should hide the score panel but may not work. Use -showscores to hide the scoreboard instead if this is the case.
This command will reload your HUD, meaning any changes you made to HUD config files would be applied.
hud_scaling CS2 & CS:GO More
hud_scaling [0.5 - 0.95]
This command can be used to scale the size of the HUD. Scale must be be between 0.5 and 0.95. Default is 0.85.
hud_showtargetid CS2 & CS:GO More
hud_showtargetid [0 / 1]
This command can enable or disable the red text with an enemy's that appears when you hover over an enemy. Default is enabled (1).
hud_subtitles CS:GO More
hud_subtitles [File Name]
This command will play the subtitles in the specified file.
hud_takesshots CS:GO More
hud_takesshots [0 / 1]
This command can be used to enable the auto-taking of a screenshot at the end of a match (when the scoreboard is up). Default is 0 (disabled).
mapoverview_icon_scale CS2 & CS:GO More
mapoverview_icon_scale [Multiplier]
This command sets the scale multiplier for icons on the overview map (that spectators can open usually by pressing CTRL). If set to 2, icons would be 2x the size they usually are on the overview map. Default is 1.
net_graph CS:GO More
net_graph [0 / 1 / 2 / 3]
This command will enable (set to 1) and disable (set to 0) the net graph display, which shows ping, FPS and other client variables.
net_graphheight [Pixels]
This command sets the height of the net graph display in pixels. This is the amount of pixels it will be from the bottom of the screen. Default is 64.
net_graphmsecs CS:GO More
net_graphmsecs [Milliseconds]
This command sets the amount of seconds that the latency graph should represent. Default is 400.
net_graphpos CS:GO More
net_graphpos [Position #]
This command sets the position of the screen the netgraph display is placed at. Default is position 1 (right corner). Left corner is 0. Middle is 2.
net_graphproportionalfont [0 / 1]
This command sets whether or not net graph font should be made proportional. Default is 1 (enabled).
net_graphshowinterp [0 / 1]
This command sets whether or not interpolation should be shown in net_graph (when on a setting above net_graph 1).
net_graphshowlatency [0 / 1]
This command sets whether or not latency should be shown in net_graph (when on a setting above net_graph 1).
net_graphshowsvframerate [0 / 1]
This command, if set to 1, will draw the server framerate graph. Default is 0 (disabled).
net_graphsolid CS:GO More
net_graphsolid [0 / 1]
This command sets whether or not the net graph display is solid. Default is enabled (1).
net_graphtext CS:GO More
net_graphtext [0 / 1]
The command sets whether or not the text fields like FPS, etc should be drawn in net_graph. Default is 1 (enabled).
r_drawmodelnames [0 / 1]
This command, if set to 1, will draw the names of the models of entities in the game (e.g. guns on the floor, etc).
showconsole CS2 & CS:GO More
This command opens the console.
+showscores CS2 & CS:GO More
This command will make the in game scoreboard appear. Unlike holding TAB, it will stay on your screen without you needing to press anything. Disable it with the -showscores command.
-showscores CS2 & CS:GO More
This command dismisses the scoreboard if you've brought up it permanently through a command like +showscores or +score.
toggleconsole CS2 & CS:GO More
Show/hide the console.