NB! It seems this console command is not compatible with CS2.




This command prevents any joystick input from being pushed through, for cases where a piece of hardware that isn't a joystick is mistakenly identified as one by the game client.


joystick_force_disabled [0 / 1]


0 / 1 Enter a 1 after the command to enable this command and stop all joystick inputs from working, and a 0 after the command to disable it.

Related commands

This console command is used to set whether you want to invert the Y axis for looking around on a joystick. When this command is turned on, moving the joystick up, or forward, will make your character look down.
This console command is used to determine which stick on the joystick controls the movement of your player model.
Sets external controllers you've connected to the game enabled or disabled, depending on the command's setting. This command manually changes the selected option for whether controllers are enabled in the game settings, too.
This is a joystick command that sets what sensitivity your sideways camera movement uses. The higher you set this value, the less you need to move the joystick to look sideways.
This console command sets the movement stick reponse mode on a joystick.
This command sets the max acceleration of your joystick, if you use one to play CS:GO.
Sets the acceleration scale of your joystick, if you use one to play CS:GO.
This console command controls how much input is required from the player on their joystick when their crosshair is on a target.