Danger Zone commands

cl_compass_enabled [0 / 1]
This command sets whether or not the compass, in the Danger Zone gamemode, appears at the top of the screen (for your client only).
cl_dangerzone_approaching_sound_radius [Radius]
This command sets the radius for the "Approaching Sound" in the Danger Zone gamemode.
cl_dangerzone_moving_sound_volume [Volume]
This command sets the volume of the "Moving Sound" in the Danger Zone gamemode.
cl_dangerzone_sound_volume [Volume]
This command sets the volume of sound effects from the Danger Zone gamemode.
cl_dz_playagain_auto_spectate [0 / 1]
This command, if enabled (set to 1), will make you automatically switch to spectator mode after pressing play again in Danger Zone. Default is 0 (disabled).
cl_rappel_tilt CS:GO More
cl_rappel_tilt [Amount]
This command sets the amount of tilt that your character will have when rappelling from a helicopter (after spawning) in deadzone. Some players refer to rappelling as skydiving or parachuting from the helicopter.
cl_tablet_mapmode [1 / 2]
This command sets your tablet's map mode (how the tablet displays) in Danger Zone. Map mode 1 will rotate based on where your character is facing, map mode 2 will not rotate and will always face north.
contributionscore_cash_bundle [Amount]
This command sets the amount of contribution score ("score" in leaderboard/TAB) a player receives for picking up a cash bundle (Danger Zone).
contributionscore_crate_break [Amount]
This command sets the amount of contribution score ("score" in leaderboard/TAB) a player receives for breaking an item crate (Danger Zone).
dz_clearteams CS:GO More
This command clears (deletes) all existing Danger Zone teams.
dz_jointeam CS:GO More
dz_jointeam [Team #] [User ID / Name]
This command can make you, or another player, join a specified Danger Zone team. See argument information for help.
This command will shuffle all teams in Danger Zone.
parachute CS:GO More
In game modes where applicable, such as Danger Zone (the Battle Royale mode) this command equips your parachute.
snd_dzmusic_volume [Volume]
This console command adjusts the volume of the music played when you win a game of Danger Zone (the Battle Royale mode).
Enter this command into your developer console to print a number that shows all possible final zones in Danger Zone, the Battle Royale game mode.
sv_air_max_horizontal_parachute_ratio [Ratio]
Toggle this command to change the horizontal ratio used when parachuting down to the ground in Danger Zone.
sv_air_max_horizontal_parachute_speed [Speed]
This console command adjusts how quickly you can move horizontally while parachuting down to the ground in Danger Zone.
sv_airaccelerate_rappel CS2 & CS:GO More
sv_airaccelerate_rappel [Speed]
This console command sets how fast you move while rappeling down to the ground in Danger Zone.
sv_cs_player_speed_has_hostage [Speed]
This cheat command sets the movement speed of players when they're carrying hostages, such as in hostage mode or in Danger Zone.
sv_drowning_damage_initial [DPS]
This console command sets the initial damage per second you take as you drown. sv_drowning_damage_max is used to set the max damage this can scale to as you stay in water longer.
sv_drowning_damage_max [DPS]
This console command sets the max amount of damage your player takes a second when drowning once the damage has scaled to it's highest level. This happens the longer you remain underwater.
sv_dz_autojointeam [0 / 1]
This command, if set to 1 (default), will make it so that players are automatically assigned a team in Danger Zone. Set to 0 to disable (players must choose a team with dz_jointeam).
sv_dz_cash_bundle_size CS2 & CS:GO More
sv_dz_cash_bundle_size [Amount]
This command sets the amount of money a cash bundle adds to a player's balance when picked up. Default is $50.
sv_dz_contractkill_reward [Amount]
This command sets the amount of cash bundles (not the amount of cash) to give a player when they kill a target assigned to them (contract target mission).
sv_dz_exploration_payment_amount [Amount]
This command sets the amount of cash bundles to give a player for exploring into a sector of the map.
sv_dz_hostage_rescue_reward [Amount]
This command sets the amount of cash bundles (not the amount of cash) to award a player when they sucessfully complete a hostage mission in Danger Zone.
sv_dz_jointeam_allowed [0 / 1]
This command, if set to 1, allows players to leave and join other teams with the dz_jointeam command. Default is 0 (disabled).
sv_dz_player_max_health [Amount]
This command sets the amount of health players have in Danger Zone. Default is 120.
sv_dz_player_spawn_armor [0 / 1]
This command, if set to 1, will make players spawn with armor in Danger Zone. Default is 0 (disabled).
sv_dz_player_spawn_health [Amount]
This command sets the amount of health that players spawn with in Danger Zone. Default is 120, which is also the default maximum amount of health players can have.
This command will restart the current Danger Zone game.
sv_dz_show_enemy_name_scope_range [Distance]
This command sets the range a player must be within in order for the name tag to be shown when another player's crosshair hovers over them in the Danger Zone gamemode.
sv_dz_team_count [Amount]
This command sets the maximum amount of players that can be in each team in Danger Zone.
sv_dz_warmup_tablet [0 / 1]
This command, if set to 1 (default), will give players a tablet during the warmup period in Danger Zone. Set to 0 to disable.
sv_dz_warmup_weapon [Weapon Code]
This command will give players the weapon with the specified weapon code during the Danger Zone warmup period (e.g. "weapon_glock"). See this page for weapon codes. Set to 0 to disable weapons during warmup.
sv_dz_zone_bombdrop_money_reward [Amount]
This command sets how many cash bundles players receive at the end of each Danger Zone wave. Default is 15.
sv_dz_zone_damage [Damage]
This command sets the amount of damage per second that the "zone" (border) in Danger Zone deals. Default is 1.
sv_dz_zone_hex_radius [Radius]
This command sets the radius of each hex on the map (tablet) in Danger Zone. Default is 2200.
sv_player_parachute_velocity [Speed]
This command sets the speed at which you parachute on, applicable in game modes like Danger Zone.
sv_tablet_show_path_to_nearest_resq [0 / 1]
When this console command is enabled, it shows a path on your Danger Zone tablet (summoned by pressing TAB by default) to the nearest hostage rescue point.
sv_water_movespeed_multiplier [Speed Multiplier]
This command sets how quickly you move in water compared to your normal movement speed.
tablet_c4_dist_max [Distance]
Sets how far away you can be from C4 in Danger Zone for your tablet (brought up by pressing TAB by default) to still display it on its quadrant map.
tablet_c4_dist_min [Distance]
Sets how close you need to be from C4 in Danger Zone for your tablet (brought up by pressing TAB by default) to still display it on its quadrant map.
ui_playsettings_maps_official_dangerzone [Map]
Sets the default map used in Danger Zone, such as the original map the mode released with, Blacksite.
ui_playsettings_mode_official_dz [Mode]
This command sets the default game setting to be used in Danger Zone mode, such as the mode it was released with, Survival.